Packager Documentation
Table of Contents
Find and View Orders
To find a specific order number or address, the search bar can be used. There are multiple options for viewing and sorting the order list. Click the down arrow for a column to sort in ascending or descending order, or remove a previously added sort.
- Order number
- Address of property
- County address is located in
- Legal description of property
- Order creation date
- Name of user who created order
- Current progress of order
Q Links
These links help to quickly and simply complete an action for the related order
- This icon takes you to the edit page for the current step of the order
- Delete an order using this icon. Published orders cannot be deleted.
Moving forward in an Order
After clicking edit for an order, you may move forward or backward in the order by clicking the arrows on either side of the page as shown in the image below.
- Go to previous step
- Go to next step
Order Process
Step 1: Create an Order
Enter Order Information
- Select a company from the drop down, if option is available
- Enter Order number
- Click Verify Order Details button
- Found Orders will automatically input address information, and user can continue to the next step.
- Click this icon to view map preview of property address
- If order number is not found, address information must be entered manually
- Click the icon next to address to verify address information
- Enter legal description of property
- Click next step to continue to the next screen
Upload Document
After all information for the order is completed, the order document is uploaded. If an incorrect document is selected, selecting a new document replaces previous selection. Only one document can be uploaded during this step
- If integration documents were found, a document can be selected by clicking the arrow
- Select or drag and drop a pdf document
- Click Create Order button to create the order
- Page automatically redirects to step 2: Link Matches
Step 2: Link Matches
Link / Delink
Within the document, the user can link and delink matches. The image below show all relevant buttons for the link and delink process. Links are added only for matches with a document uploaded.
- Upload new Document. This replaces order document and will change matches found.
- Reload the page
- Link all matches found in the document
- Remove all links for matches found in the document
- Link individual document. Icon will turn red after document is linked
- Delink individual document. Icon will turn blue after document is delinked
- Find link in document. Pdf document will scroll to match in document
Matches Table
The matches table shows all matches that were found in the document. Other information, such as whether an uploaded document was found, a preview and an upload/replace button is found in this table. Features on this table and their functions are shown below
- Matches column shows the name of match found (e.g. Reception Number 12345)
- Document preview icon is visible for all matches with an uploaded document
- The found column shows a check mark ( ) for uploaded document found, or an exclamation point ( ) for uploaded document not found
- This column holds the upload button for documents. If a document is not found or needs to be replaced it can be uploaded using this button
Uploading Match Documents
After clicking the upload button (Figure 1, #1) for a match, the following steps are used to upload a match document. If a previously uploaded document is found, document match found will be shown under match name.
- Select a PDF/TIFF file to upload for the match
- Select a document from Ramquest integration
- Select document from El Paso Title Plant for only current match
- Select document previously uploaded for this order
- If you would like to upload multiple matches, press the left or right arrows to the side of upload box and select documents
- When finished uploading matches, click save all button
- Icon will change to () uploaded match document found
- Preview of document is available
Uploading New Document
A new order document can be uploaded. This will replace previous document and match table will show matches for new order document.
- Click the Upload button
- Select a new document to upload
- Select a document from Ramquest integration
- Click upload. New document is viewable in HTML editor
Quick Download
Quick Download will download a copy of the order document with links included. Clicking any link in the PDF will download the associated document. Continue the order to publish to Stacka.
Warnings on Link Matches Page
When there are no linked matches associated with the document, a warning will appear stating that no matches were linked in the document. Clicking yes will let the order proceed, clicking no will keep the order on the Link Matches step.
Step 3: Assign Parties
All parties associated with the order can be added and assigned to party groups. Parties assigned to the order must have a valid email address before proceeding to the next step. If party does not have associated email address they are automatically unassigned. Moving an incomplete party to a different group will require an email address to be added before saving changes.
Assign Parties page
All parties that the user would like to have access to the documents can be added here. The images below correspond with the numbered lists of features.
- Go to Orders Page, this will leave the order
- Key for group color coding
- Edit information for a party
- Group for party members, can be changed for all parties
- Party type- this cannot be changed
- Add new party to Order
Add Order party
Order parties can be added to order under any party type and group. To save new party member, email address and party type must be selected.
- At top of parties grid, click add party button (Figure 3, #7)
- Enter party member information and select party type
- Click the Save button
Party Groups
There are four groups a party can be assigned to. Buyer, Seller and miscellaneous parties will be added to the stack on Stacka. Unassigned parties will not receive the documents in the stack. Parties that do not have an email address will automatically be set as unassigned. The group can be changed on the edit party screen, and an email address can be added.
Edit Order Party
Information for all order parties can be updated and changed before publish. Any assigned party member with email required under email column needs email address added. All assigned parties must have email addresses to proceed in the order.
- Click the edit icon in the action column
- Change party member information as needed
- Click update button to confirm changes
Send Email to Order Party
After publishing order, emails will be sent to all party members with Send Email selected. Only assigned parties with Send Email selected will receive an email.
- Check mark for send email selection will send email to party after publishing order
- No Check mark for send email selection will not send email to party after publishing order
Add Order Party as Sponsor
All parties selected as a sponsor can have a linked image shown for the order on Stacka. Any party can be selected to sponsor an order, and will receive an email to setup sponsor information if not already completed.
- Check mark for Sponsor selection will add party as a sponsor for the order
- No check mark for Sponsor selection will not add party as a sponsor for the order
Step 4: Additional Documents
Include and exclude underwriter documents from an order on this page. Additional documents can be added to the order and shared with only selected party members.
Include/ Exclude Underwriter Documents
All Underwriter documents are automatically included in the order. Deselect an underwriter document to exclude it from the order.
- Click the thumbnail to view a full preview of document
- Deselect check box to exclude document from order
- Select check box to include document in order
- Select check box to include all documents in the order
- Select check box to exclude all documents in the order
Add additional Documents to Order
Any additional documents needed are added to the order here. When uploading the document, select parties to share the document with. After a document is uploaded, the thumbnail and file name are shown in Additional Documents section. Click document thumbnail to preview document.
- Add additional documents to order
- Select PDF document to upload
- Select document from available integration(s)
- Documents selected are added to the grid
- Select all parties each document should be shared with
- Click Upload button to upload the document(s)
Unlock Additional Documents
Additional Document(s) can be unlocked, making them visible on the public stack page.
- Click lock icon ( )on the top left of the thumbnail
- Icon will change to unlocked icon ( ) and document will be set to public
- To lock an unlocked document, click the unlocked icon, and document will become locked
Delete Additional Documents
Additional Document(s) that are no longer needed in an order can be deleted on this page.
- Click delete icon ( )on the top right of the thumbnail
- Confirm deletion by clicking delete on the confirmation window
- This document will no longer be available in list of additional documents for this order
Step 5: Email Setup
Only one email template can be assigned to an order. The template can be edited and saved before finalizing selection. Subject line for email is set to order address and order number automatically, but can be changed before assigning template to the order.
Create new Email Template
New email template can be created using the HTML editor. For more information about HTML editor functions and features, proceed to the HTML editor section.
- Click Create New Template button on top right of page
- Enter template name in text box, this field is for your use only
- Email subject line is automatically set to order address and order number. Can be changed
- Use HTML editor to create body of email template
- Click Add Email Template to save and assign template to order
- To cancel template creation, click cancel button
Use An Email Template for Order
Available email templates are company level templates available to the user. Your email templates are personalized or custom email templates available to only one user.
- Select a template from Available or Your Email Template drop down
- Click Use As Email Template to assign template to order
Edit and Update an Email Template for Order
Changes can be made to email templates any time before publish. After making changes the Update Email Template button will be visible. Changes made to Available Email Template can be saved as a copy of the template under Your Email Templates.
- Select an email template from Available or Your Email Templates (Figure 4 and 5)
- Make necessary changes to template contents
- Click Update Email Template button
- If template from Your Email Templates was selected, template is automatically updated and assigned to order
- If template from Available Email Templates was selected, copy of template can be saved
- "Use for this order only" will not save a copy of the template. Changes are saved for current order only
- "Save a copy" will save a copy of template under your email templates for future use
Delete Email Template
Only templates under Your Email Templates can be deleted. Templates associated with another order cannot be deleted.
- Select template to be deleted from Your Email Templates drop down
- Click delete icon to the right of template selection drop down
- Confirm deletion by pressing delete button on pop up
- If template is not associated with another order, it will be deleted
- If template is associated with another order, deletion is not allowed
Step 6: Preview
This page shows a preview of the order before publish. If changes need to be made, return to relevant order step and make changes. No changes can be made from the preview page.
Document Preview
All documents associated with the order are sorted by party type. Only party types with assigned members are shown. Commitment document, Linked document(s) and Underwriter document(s) are shared with all parties. Additional documents are shared with parties selected while uploading additional documents.
Documents are organized by party type, and outlined based of document type.
- Party Type
- Commitment Document
- Linked Document(s)
- Underwriter Document(s)
- Additional Document(s)
Email Template Preview
Email template selected in step 5: Email Setup is shown on the top left of the page. If there is an error, or the incorrect template is shown, use the previous step button to.
- Name of Email Template selected
- Subject line of email
- Body of email
Stack Options
Stack name is automatically set to address associated with the order. This can be changed before publishing the order. Stack name is required to publish order, and can be left as default stack name.
- Stack name text box
- Clear Stack name field
Import to File Scan
All order documents are imported to File Scan on publish if this option is selected. This is automatically checked for orders.
- Checked box will import order documents to File Scan
Make Stack Public
Public stacks will send a public link to parties in the order. This will not require the user to login to Stacka in order to view their documents. Only documents marked as public will be shown on the public stack.
- Check box to make stack public
Publish Order
Click the Publish button at the bottom of the page to publish the order. A Stack will be created on Stacka, and email invites sent to all parties so they can login to Stacka to view order documents shared with them.
- Click Publish to publish the order
Step 7: Publish
Publish order
After the order is published, it is shown on the orders page with a status of published. Published orders cannot be deleted. You will automatically be taken to step 2: Link Matches after clicking the edit button. Once changes are made, the order will need to be updated for Stack to reflect the changes.
Edit and Update Published Order
All orders can be edited and updated after publish. Changes can be made on any step of the order and saved. For more details on order step functions, go to page for that step. All functions available before publish are available after publish.
- Click the edit order button to edit an order
- After there is a pending change, an update counter will show on the bottom of the page
- To update an order, click the update stack button on the bottom of any page
- On the preview page, the order can be updated using the Update Stack button
Email Templates
On this page, company Email templates can be created, viewed and edited for packager. All of these functions can be performed using the text editor that appears on the page. Using email templates ensures a consistent style and layout for all user emails.
Add New Email Template
New custom email templates can be added on this page. To add a new email template, follow the directions below. For more information about HTML editor functions and proceed to the HTML editor section.
- Click Add New Template button
- Enter email template name
- Use HTML editor to create email template contents
- Click Add New Template button on bottom of page to save the template
- Email template will now appear under Custom Email Templates list
Edit Default Email Template
After an email template has been created it can be edited on this page using the HTML editor. For more information about HTML editor functions and proceed to the HTML editor section.
- Click the copy icon for the default email template
- Use the HTML editor to make changes to email template
- Click Add Email Template button
- All changes are saved, and template is listed under Custom Email Templates
Edit Custom Email Template
Any Custom Email Template can be edited and saved. Unlike with Default Email Templates, a copy will not be made of the template. Changes will be saved to the original custom email template. For more information about HTML editor functions and proceed to the HTML editor section.
- Find the Custom Email Template you would like to edit
- Click the edit icon
- Change custom template name, if desired
- Make changes to the template using the HTML editor
- When finished editing template, click update email template button
- Changes are now saved. Template reflects changes made
Delete Custom Email Template
Only templates that are not associated with any order can be deleted. If a template is associated with an order, deletion will not be allowed.
- Find the Custom Email Template you would like to delete
- Click the delete icon for that template
- Confirm deletion of template by pressing delete button
- Template is now deleted
Underwriter Documents
For each underwriter, default documents can be uploaded. For each order the underwriter documents will automatically be included in the order based on underwriter. If a document will no longer be needed for any order, it can be deleted on this page.
Upload Underwriter Document
Underwriter documents can be uploaded on this page. Documents are organized by Underwriter.
- Click the add new document button ( ) next to the correct underwriter
- Select one or more documents to upload
- Enter document description
- Click upload button
- A spinner will show while the document and thumbnail are loading
- When finished, the document thumbnail will show with description underneath
Preview Underwriter Document
A document preview is available for each Underwriter Document.
- Click any document thumbnail to preview
- Preview of full document will display
- Click close button, or anywhere off of preview window, to close preview
Update Underwriter Document
Updating an Underwriter Document will change document version for all future orders. Past order will not have updated document unless the order is updated.
- Click the drop down on relevant thumbnail
- Click Update button
- Select a new document to upload and enter description (Figure 1, #2-3)
- Click Upload button (Figure 1, #4)
- After document is uploaded, new thumbnail and document preview are shown
Replace Underwriter Document
Replacing an Underwriter Document will change the document version for all past and future orders. No update to past orders is needed, underwriter document will automatically update.
- Click on the drop down on the relevant thumbnail
- Click Replace button
- Select a new document to upload and enter description (Figure 1, #2-3)
- Click Upload button (Figure 1, #4)
- After document is uploaded, new thumbnail and document preview are shown
Delete Underwriter Document
Individual underwriter documents can be deleted. If the document has previously been assigned to an order, it cannot be deleted. A warning will display if document cannot be deleted.
- Click drop down for document to be deleted
- Click Delete button
- Confirm deletion of document
- Underwriter document is now deleted
HTML Editor
The HTML editor has many features that can be used for editing documents and templates. Using this editor, it is possible to edit the contents and styling of all documents. The following image shows features and their locations in the menu of the HTML editor. For more information on each feature, see annotations below.
Change text to/from bold. Can highlight and add/remove bold from text. -
Change text to/from italic. Can highlight and add/remove italic from text. -
Change text to/from underlined. Can highlight and add/remove underline from text. -
Change text to/from strike through. Can highlight and add/remove strike through from text. -
Subscript / Superscript
Change text to a subscript (below the text) or Superscript (above the text) font. -
Change font of text -
Text Size
Change size of text -
Change color of text and background -
Inline Style
Change text style -
Paragraph Style
Change paragraph style -
Paragraph Format
Select Heading Format (h1 through h4) -
Change Text alignment to Left, Center, Right or Justified -
Ordered and Unordered Lists
Create a list with Bullet points, numbers or letters -
Decrease / Increase Indent
Move selected line of text one tab space left or right -
Add vertical line on left side of text indicating a quote. Amount of quotes can be increased and decreased -
Insert Link
Insert hyperlink into the text -
Insert Image
Add an image to the text -
Insert Video
Add a video to the text -
Upload File
Select a file to upload to the text -
Insert Table
Insert a table with a specified amount of rows and columns -
Add emoji to the document -
Add Horizontal Line
Insert horizontal line at location of cursor -
Select All
Selects entire contents of text -
Clear Formatting
Remove all formatting changes made to text -
Undo / Redo
Undo or redo changes made to the text -
Code View
View HTML for the document